Onboard systems

Train Protection and Warning System (AWS / TPWS)
The current Network Rail UK protection systems are TPWS and AWS. The functionality of both systems is combined in a single system, generally referred to as TPWS. TPWS comprises of OSS (Overspeed Sensor System) and TSS (Train Stop System).
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Automatisch vermogen regelsysteem
- Het Automatic Power Control-systeem onderbreekt de inkomende voeding naar een tractie-eenheid voor korte periodes.
- Dit voorkomt schade / slijtage aan de stroomafnemer en bovenleiding of derde rail.
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Intelligent Circuit Protection
The Mors Smitt ‘Intelligent circuit protection system’ controls and monitors all AC and DC circuit breakers remotely and is capable of providing a complete status of breakers via a display or through the Train Management System.
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