Direct schakelende relais
Direct schakelende relais
De contacten van een momentane relaisintrekking wanneer de spoel wordt bekrachtigd en uitvallen wanneer de spoelspanning uit is.

D-U200N Plug-in spoorwegrelais met 4 C / O-contact…
- Ultracompact, licht van gewicht
- 4 C / O-contacten, zelfreinigend
- Geïntegreerde back EMF-onderdrukkingsdiode
- Magnetische uitblaas van de vlamboog zorgt voor een lange levensduur van het contact
- Minimale schakelstroom 1 mA
- Maximale continue stroom 10 A
- Bewezen betrouwbaar
- Breed temperatuurbereik -50 ⁰C ... + 85 ⁰C
- Mechanische levensduur> 50 miljoen bewerkingen
- Elektrische levensduur b.v. > 10 miljoen bewerkingen op 0,5 A, 24 VDC
- Gegevensmatrix met serienummer voor traceerbaarheid
- Geïntegreerde snaplock, geen externe borgclip nodig
- Transparante afdekking voor visuele inspectie
- Vele opties en stopcontacten beschikbaar
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D-U200N-W Plug-in railway relay with 4 contacts
- Ultracompact veiligheidsrelais
- 4 Weld-no-transfer contacten, zelfreinigend
- Geïntegreerde back EMF-onderdrukkingsdiode
- Magnetische uitblaas van de vlamboog zorgt voor een lange levensduur van het contact
- Minimale schakelstroom 1 mA
- Maximale continue stroom 10 A
- Bewezen betrouwbaar
- Breed temperatuurbereik -50 ⁰C ... + 85 ⁰C
- Mechanische levensduur> 50 miljoen bewerkingen
- Elektrische levensduur b.v. > 10 miljoen bewerkingen op 0,5 A, 24 VDC
- Gegevensmatrix met serienummer voor traceerbaarheid
- Geïntegreerde snaplock, geen externe borgclip nodig
- Transparante afdekking voor visuele inspectie
- Vele opties en stopcontacten beschikbaar
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DGG-U200N Plug-in railway relay with 2 C/O contact…
- Ultracompact, licht van gewicht
- 2 C / O-contacten, zelfreinigend
- Groot spanningsbereik 40% -125% Unom
- Geïntegreerde back EMF-onderdrukkingsdiode
- Magnetische uitblaas van de vlamboog zorgt voor een lange levensduur van het contact
- Minimale schakelstroom 1 mA
- Maximale continue stroom 10 A
- Bewezen betrouwbaar
- Breed temperatuurbereik -40 ⁰C ... + 85 ⁰C
- Mechanische levensduur> 30 miljoen bewerkingen
- Elektrische levensduur b.v. > 10 miljoen bewerkingen op 0,5 A, 24 VDC
- Gegevensmatrix met serienummer voor traceerbaarheid
- Geïntegreerde snaplock, geen externe borgclip nodig
- Transparante afdekking voor visuele inspectie
- Vele opties en stopcontacten beschikbaar
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A 400 relay - 4 contacts
- Instantaneous relay
- Optional weld no transfer contacts for safety critical applications
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 4 double make / double break C/O contacts (form Z), 8 A
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
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AG 400 relay - Gold plated, 4 contacts
- Instantaneous relay
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 4 double make / double break C/O contacts (form Z), gold plated on silver
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- 40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
- Contacts cross pollution barrier
- Optional weld no transfer function
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AK 400 safety relay
- Instantaneous relay
- Optional Weld no tranfer contacts for safety critical applications
- Weld resistant
- 4 double make - double break C/O contacts (form Z), 8 A
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
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AM 400 relay - Mixed load, 4 contacts
- Instantaneous relay
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 3 double make / double break C/O silver contacts (form Z)
- 1 gold bifurcated C/O contact
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
- Contacts cross pollution barrier
- Optional weld no transfer function for silver contacts
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B 400 relay - Safety critical, 4 contacts
- Instantaneous & safety critical relay
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 4 double make / double break C/O contacts (form Z), 12 A
- Weld no transfer contacts standard
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
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BG 400 relay - 4 gold contacts
- Instantaneous relay
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 4 double make / double break C/O contacts (form Z), gold plated on silver
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
- Contacts cross pollution barrier
- Weld no transfer function
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BK 400 safety relay
- Instantaneous
- Safety critical
- Weld resistant
- Weld no transfer safety contacts standard
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature
- 4 double make / double break C/O contacts (form Z), 12 A
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature.
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BM 400 relay - Mixed load, 4 contacts
- Instantaneous relay
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 3 double make / double break C/O silver contacts (form Z)
- 1 gold bifurcated C/O contact
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
- Contacts cross pollution barrier
- Weld no transfer function for silver contacts
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C relay - Safety critical, 9 contacts
- Instantaneous relay
- Ultra compact package size
- Safety critical relay
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 9 double break contacts in all N/O and N/C combinations
- Weld no transfer safety contacts standard
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40°C...+80°C operating temperature
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CG relay - Safety critical, 9 contacts, gold plate…
- Instantaneous relay
- Ultra compact package size
- Safety critical relay
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 9 double break contacts in all N/O and
- N/C combinations
- Weld no transfer safety contacts standard
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40°C...+80°C operating temperature
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CK relay - safety critical, 9 contacts
- Instantaneous relay
- Safety critical relay
- Weld resistant
- Weld no transfer safety contacts standard
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature
- 9 double break contacts in all NO and NC combinations
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40°C to +80°C operating temperature
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CM relay - 7 contacts and 2 gold contacts
- Instantaneous relay
- For combined power & dry circuit applications in diesel locomotives
- 4 N/C + 5 N/O double break contacts with 1 N/C & 1 N/O gold bifurcated contact and all other contact in silver
- Weld no transfer safety contacts standard on silver contacts
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
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CU-U200-G relay - Miniature, 2 pole
- Miniature plug-in / PCB relay
- Instantaneous 2 C/O contacts
- Weld-no-transfer contacts
- Flat, square and tin plated relay pins for excellent socket connection / PCB mounting pins
- Wide range sockets
- Transparent cover
- High insulation because of flash barrier
- Optional positive mechanical keying relay to socket
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CU-U200-B relay - High contact life
- Miniature plug-in / PCB relay
- Instantaneous 2 C/O contacts
- Weld-no-transfer contacts
- Magnetic arc blow-out
- Flat, square and tin plated relay pins for excellent socket connection / PCB mounting pins
- Wide range sockets
- Transparent cover
- Optional positive mechanical keying relay to socket
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CU-U200-D relay - Miniature, large pull-in voltage…
- Miniature plug-in / PCB relay
- Sensitive coil (40 % Unom)
- Instantaneous 1 C/O + 1 N/O contact
- Weld-no-transfer contacts
- Flat, square and tin plated relay pins for excellent socket connection /
- PCB mounting pins
- Wide range sockets
- Transparent cover
- High insulation because of flash barrier
- Optional positive mechanical keying relay to socket
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CU-U200-U relay - High contact life
- Miniature plug-in / PCB relay
- 1 double make/double break contact
- High maximum current
- Long electrical life
- Flat, square and tin plated relay pins for excellent socket connection /
- PCB mounting pins
- Wide range sockets
- Transparent cover
- Optional positive mechanical keying relay to socket
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CU-U300-G relay - Miniature, AC coil
- Miniature plug-in / PCB relay
- AC coil
- Instantaneous, 2 C/O contacts
- Weld-no-transfer contacts
- Flat, square and tin plated relay pins for excellent socket connection / PCB mounting pins
- Wide range sockets
- Transparent cover
- High insulation because of flash barrier
- Optional positive mechanical keying relay to socket
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CU-U300-U relay - Miniature, AC coil
- Miniature plug-in / PCB relay
- AC coil
- 1 double make/double break contact
- High maximum current
- Long electrical life
- Flat, square and tin plated relay pins for excellent socket connection /
- PCB mounting pins
- Wide range sockets
- Transparent cover
- Optional positive mechanical keying relay to socket
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303 relay - Safety critical, 19 contacts
- Instantaneous relay
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 19 double break contacts in all N/O and N/C combinations
- Weld no transfer safety contacts standard
- Optional gold contacts
- Optional gold bifurcated and silver contacts
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
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401 relay - Safety critical, 40 contacts
- Instantaneous & safety critical relay
- Plug-in design with secure locking feature for maximum ease of maintenance
- 40 double break contacts in all N/O and N/C combinations
- Weld no transfer safety contacts standard
- Contact life (mechanical) of 100 million cycles
- -40 °C...+80 °C operating temperature
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D8-U200 relay - Plug-in, 8 pole
- Compact plug-in design
- Instantaneous, 8 C/O contacts
- Back EMF suppression diode
- Magnetic arc blow-out
- Flat, square and silver plated relay pins for excellent socket connection
- Wide range sockets
- 2 integrated snap locks
- Transparent cover
- High DC breaking capacity
- Optional positive mechanical keying relay to socket
- Flexibility by many options
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D6-U200N-W Instantaneous relay, weld-no-transfer, …
- Compact plug-in design
- Instantaneous, 4 N/O - 2 N/C contacts
- Weld-no-transfer (WNT) contacts
- Standard back EMF suppression diode
- Flat, square silver plated relay pins for excellent
- socket connection
- Wide range sockets
- Integrated snap lock
- Red or green LED optional
- Flexibility by many options
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